Tax after Death

Even though it is difficult to deal with the loss of a spouse or family member, it is important to understand the taxes that will be due after death. Even you, as a taxpayer, should be aware of your post-death tax obligations in order to try to avoid unnecessary tax implications. Once a taxpayer...

12 enduring financial planning principles

When it comes to smart financial management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. While change is inevitable, there are some principles that have stood the test of time – and sometimes it’s worth revisiting these enduring tenets of wealth creation:   Pay yourself first: Paying yourself first is about taking steps now to...

The single mother’s guide to financial planning

As sole breadwinners responsible for the welfare of minor children, single mothers face a particularly daunting set of challenges when it comes to financial planning. Besides not having a partner’s income as a safety net, the emotional strain of shouldering the family’s finances alone can leave many single mothers feeling overburdened and financially strained....

Benefits of a living annuity

Upon retirement we all need peace of mind in terms of maintaining our current lifestyle, however, this calls for important decisions regarding sustaining this lifestyle post-retirement. There are several retirement products one can invest in before retirement which includes preservation funds, retirement annuities, provident and pensions. I have decided to narrow it down to...

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