Credit, in conjunction with bad spending habits, often leave many South Africans living from payday to payday. However, it is never too late to take control of your finances and free yourself from bad spending habits. Recent surveys conducted by Debt Rescue, indicate that 85% of South Africans need help, financially and emotionally as...
Tag: anglowealth
Safar 1442
Literal meaning: “Empty” During this month, the houses used to be empty and deserted because the ban on going to war in the month of Muharram came to an end and everyone proceeded towards the battlefield. Safar also means to be yellow. When the names of the months were being given, it was the...
The economic volatility surrounding the pandemic | A financial perspective
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in different ways. Of which, our emotional and financial health suffers in such times of volatility. What you need to remember is that during this period, we are surrounded with anxious situations that render us feeling that one situation will result in our entire world. In such...
Insights on how women invest – products & myth busters
“Women must empower themselves by being ahead of the curve as society catches up.” Much focus has been afforded of late, to the rise of female wealth with frequent discussions on all mediums and platforms on the subject. As such, the contents of this article aims to identify the changes, trends and myth busters...